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Upcoming Events

Large wood salad bowl painted with flowers on the inside; 8 green and red apples are in the bowl.  The bowl is on a wood table and a mason jar of homemade applesauce is next to the bowl
Join the
Black Women at Home Project 

In-person Interviews

I want to meet and interview 100 Black women as participants in this project.  These will be either in-person and virtual opportunities to connect.  Want to be interviewed?  Please complete this form to express your interest.  I'll follow up to schedule time for an introductory meeting. 

In-person and virtual events

(coming soon!)

While the culmination of this project is envisioned as a book, along the way I plan to host on-line events to help foster connection and community amongst Black women seeking to share about and learn how to curate more revolutionary joy, ease, and celebration of self at home. 

These may take various formats including podcasts, webinars, and workshops.  Have knowledge you want to share?  Have a topic you want to discuss related to this theme of Black Women at Home? Do you know someone that I should invite to share with us?  Let us know! Send an emial to

And don't forget to follow us on social media and subscribe below to receive updates and information. 

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